Lie or Truth – Is the H1 Econs Syllabus Lesser Than H2?

Taking Econs as a H1 may seem like a taboo to some, or even something to be ashamed of . Truth be told, there are more similarities than differences between the H1 Econs Syllabus and its H2 counterpart. Here are some of the biggest misconceptions and stereotypes you have of H1 Econs, debunked!

“H1 Econs is so much easier than H2 Econs!”

On the surface, there is seemingly less content to be studied for H1 Econs as compared to its H2 counterpart. Many would argue that the lack of an essay component in the H1 Econs syllabus has made it much simpler. But less content does not always mean that it is easier.

Granted, the essay component has always been a nightmare for H2 Econs students. But looking deeper, we realise that the skillsets required for the two Econs syllabi are very similar. Just a glance through SEAB’s Syllabus Content will make you realise that the fundamental skills of application and critical thinking still remain! To be more precise, the aims and assessment objectives for both syllabi are identical.

Additionally, the CSQ component is still present in both syllabi. In fact, some might even believe that H1 CSQs are tougher than that of H2’s. As this is the sole component of the H1 paper, H1 Econs students are pushed in terms of application skills, critical thinking and foundational knowledge. Within the same allocated time and number of marks as those in H2, H1 students do have a more rigorous set of questions to complete.

Therefore, while it is true that H1 students have less content to study, this is compensated by a tougher CSQ paper for them to complete.

“Since I’m taking H1, I don’t have to spend so much time studying!”

Causation is not the same as correlation. The first misconception would eventually lead to this myth. Some students get complacent, thinking that their H1 subject is of a lower importance and priority.

We definitely do understand the struggles of a junior college student, having to juggle their H2s, H1s and co-curricular activities. Spending less time on one subject means being able to spend more time on something else (hopefully not just play!). While it is important to have a work-life balance, the crux of this misconception lies in the attitude of the student.

Understandably, with less content to cover in H1 Econs, students do not need as much time to study the syllabus. However, being able to apply the content to answer CSQs requires certain skills that can be nurtured. Considering the more rigorous requirements of the CSQ for H1 students, there is a greater need for students to dedicate time to study Econs. Hence, the visibly simpler requirements of the H1 Econs syllabus hides a more rigorous skillset that only mature students can spot.

“Students who take H1 Econs are weaker!”

This is a sweeping statement filled with many assumptions. A student who takes up H1 Econs might just be as proficient as their H2 cohort mates, if not even stronger. To conflate one’s worth with whatever subjects taken can be demoralising, yet can be a motivating force.

That being said, the focal point of this matter does not lie on the intellect of the person, but rather on the skills that they have learnt. Instead of focusing on whether you are taking H1 or H2, one should focus on the study skills.

We often advocate studying smart over studying hard. Despite this, it does not mean that you should not study hard at all. Studying smart is more than just trying to memorise the content and regurgitate whatever you have learnt. The A levels is not a show of your brain capacity, but your ability to apply whatever knowledge you have learnt.

This skill can be picked up by almost anybody. You need to know what the examiners want, and serve that on a plate nicely to them. Therefore, a student should not be defined by whether or not they take H1 or H2. A H1 student who knows the answering techniques may be at a better place than a H2 student who only knows how to regurgitate “model” answers.

Myths Debunked!

The generation of these myths often stem from stereotypes. However, what makes these stereotypes seem so valid is the attitude of the students. At Ace Your Econs, we believe that attitude is everything. No matter the starting point of the student, as long as they are willing to help themselves, we are willing to work with them towards their goal.

To the H1 Econs students: you should no longer be ashamed of admitting that you take H1 Econs. Show others that you are more than just your subject combination, and that you too can Ace Your Econs!

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