Before you are able to benefit from this final tip, I would require all of you to go through the mental exercises before reading further. Spend 3 minutes on each scenarios with your eyes closed and visualize:
1. Scenario 1 – Imagine you are waiting outside the exam hall, waiting to go in to do your Economics paper. How are you feeling? Prepared? Unsettled? Nervous?
2. Scenario 2 – Imagine you are attempting your Economics paper. Do you feel confident i.e feel very comfortable with all the questions with no problems? Or feeling lousy and uncertain i.e don’t know how to do this how to do that?
3. Scenario 3 – Imagine today is the A level result receiving day. You are walking towards your form teacher to receive your A level results. What kind of results do you want to see for your Economics?
So what is the outcome of you all have foreseen? I believe all of you will experience different kind of feeling, mostly unsettled and nervous.
For the most of you that are feeling nervous and unsettled, I am telling all of you that all of you are CAPABLE of scoring A. No I am not kidding you. All of you are capable for scoring A.
Scientific studies have proven that your self-defeating thoughts will construct a negative belief system and hinder your capacity to achieve greater results. Your belief can neither be false nor true. If you believe that you are absolutely capable of scoring A, every entire cell in your body will resonate with your thinking that “A” is what you are. Every cell will work extra hard towards your goal with your thought, so long as you believe in that.
However I would like to warn that the reverse is also true and negative beliefs are self-destructing. If you “think” you are not going to do well, every of your cell will resonate with your negative belief, which will cause the nervousness and even panic on the day itself.
So now, I would like you to revisit the three scenarios above with a positive belief with your eyes closed and visualize again:
1. Scenario 1 – Imagine you are waiting outside the exam hall. You are feeling super confident of your Economics paper. Everything has been covered adequately by Jeffrey;
2. Scenario 2 – Imagine you are attempting your Economics paper. You are feeling relaxed and even delighted! Why? Because the paper is so easy! Combined with the STEAL and ACE technique Jeffrey has covered, the paper is a piece of cake. You will be stealing your A easily!
3. Scenario 3 – Imagine today is the A level result receiving day. You are walking towards your form teacher to receive your A level results, full of confidence. When you peep into the exam script, not only you have scored A for your Economics but done well for the rest of your subject as well.
You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can’t have it!