I am really heartened when an ex Innova JC econs student posted such a compliment on my youtube video of how my JC Economics classes are conducted.
[aio_button align=”center” animation=”none” color=”purple” size=”small” icon=”none” text=”Watch how classes are conducted” relationship=”dofollow” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2VBfZn3eMw”]
“My only regret is undergoing his tutoring only at the last lap (5mths) of the ‘A’ levels.” – The only regret both my ex-student and I had were the short time span we had for each other. If she had engaged my help earlier, we would have more time to cover the economics concepts that were not adequately covered in school as well as practicing the unique 4 Step “ACE” technique to perfect her Essay writing and Case Studies!
“Under Jeffrey’s tutoring… I have became a much more confident econs student. In fact, he has rekindled my innate interest for the subject and I intend to pursue it on a leisure pace.” – I am really glad that I had helped her rekindled her passion for learning Economics! 🙂
Many of my ex-students had one big common problem – they had been consistently scoring Ss / Us in their H1 / H2 Econs and were totally clueless about how to do well for their exams. Most contented for just a low D in their A levels when they first started with me.
With rekindled passion and additional confidence from my classes, students like her begin to see instant improvements from their common tests and begin to believe that they are capable of achieving higher grades in A Levels! This ex-student of mine shared with me that she now aspires to get at least a B for her Economics.
I sincerely wish her all the best for her A level Economics! Jiayou!
For current JC2 students currently scoring Ss / Us or even borderline Passes, let’s not repeat her mistakes by seeking help early to ACE your JC Economics and secure your dream spot in University!
[aio_button align=”center” animation=”none” color=”blue” size=”small” icon=”search” text=”ACE Your JC Econs with Jeff” relationship=”dofollow” url=”https://aceyourecons.sg/jc-economics/”]