Economics Case Study Series I

Economics Case Study memeHave you ever wondered why you can’t seem to do well in your economics case study and always struggling to finish in time?


Is it because you freak out in actual exam scenario? Is it because you can’t understand the extracts? Is it because you lost track of time? Or is it because it’s a combination of everything? In this two part series (part II link is here), I will share with you some small case study tips you can employ to make a difference in your grades immediately!


Time Discipline is the KEY to success. Here the small tips you can employ to help in your next case study exam:


  1. Bring a stopwatch – time yourself & do not exceed 65 minutes for each case study;
  2. Speed reading – spend 5 minutes to speed read the extracts and the question requirements for the first time. Then spend another 5 minutes to read carefully the extracts.
  3. Time deficit – avoid running into time deficit for the first question. If you spend more than 65 minutes for the first case study, you will not be able to deliver quality answers for your second question!


In our online CSQ technique workshop, we will be sharing in depth on case study exam techniques to systematically dissect the extracts, questions and share with all of you on the key points to look out for.